Yes, foreign language papers can be checked for plagiari. In fact, there are several plagiari checking tools ailable to help you do this.
One of the most popular plagiari checking tools is Grammarly. This is a great tool for checking the originality of any text, including foreign language papers. Grammarly’s algorithm searches the web for any similar content and identifies any potential plagiari. It then provides you with a report that highlights any potential issues.
Another option is to use an online plagiari checker such as PlagiariChecker.net or PlagiariDetector.net. Both of these tools he a range of options for checking foreign language papers. They can also generate detailed reports to help you identify any potential plagiari.
Finally, you can also use a professional plagiari checker such as Turnitin. This is a powerful tool that can detect plagiari in any language. It has a range of features, such as automated grading and a plagiari report, to help you check for plagiari more efficiently.
No matter which tool you choose, it is important to remember that plagiari checking should be done on a regular basis to ensure that your papers are original and free from any plagiari.
If a paper submitted for publication is found to he similarities with existing work, it is likely to be rejected by the journal. To oid this, authors should check their manuscripts for plagiari before submitting them.
Plagiari checking tools such as Turnitin, iThenticate and Urkund can help authors to detect any potential plagiari in their manuscript before submitting it for publication. These tools use algorithms to compare submitted manuscripts to millions of existing documents, and will highlight any text that is similar in other works.
It is important to note that most journals use these tools when assessing manuscripts for publication, so authors should be sure to check their work to make sure they are not unknowingly plagiarizing someone else’s work.
Authors should also be aware that plagiari is considered a form of misconduct and can lead to the rejection of their manuscript. They should therefore make sure to properly cite any material that they use from other sources and make sure that their work is written in their own words.
另外,还有一些其他的抄袭查重软件可以用于检查外文论文投稿的查重,比如Grammarly、Plagiari Checker、Plagiaria等,它们都有一些自己的特点,可以根据用户的需要进行选择,从而更好地检查外文论文投稿的查重情况。